We value privacy and believe in safe usage of information. Your information is safe with us.

This page contains the terms and conditions for usage of this site. We encourage you to print copies of the information for your personal use, store the files on your computer, and establish link with this server from your own documents. We need to advise you, however, of some legal limitations and restrictions that we impose to all visitors to this and related sites. We ask that you respect the rules described below. Feel free to contact us with any queries using the contact form here.

This site contains information which is proprietary property of kbsconsultants has invested money, time, and effort to develop them. Such property includes but not limited to copyrights, trademarks, and information about technology. These are provided in the form of text, graphic, audio, video, downloads, links, or source codes ('Services and Materials'). kbsconsultants retains all rights to such Services and Materials. Services and Materials are intended only for kbsconsultants customers and are provided only for your convenience. Kbsconsultants grants you no license or property rights to any such Services and Materials.

kbsconsultants does not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of Services and Materials and other items contained on this server or any other server. Therefore, you are not to rely on any Services and Materials provided in this site unless we expressly advise you in writing that you can.

Acquiring Information

We may acquire the following information through this site, our affliates and third party plugins.

By using this site, you agree to the Privacy Policy of site usage.